The only preserved Neo-gothic style chapel in Hong Kong
The Bethanie was completed in 1875 by the French Society of Foreign Missions as their first sanatorium in East Asia where sick missionaries could recover from tropical diseases before returning to their work.
The Bethanie was built in the Neo-gothic style and consists of three parts – the chapel, the sanatorium and the service wing – in a symmetrical design and with verandahs on all four sides. The beautiful chapel is the most impressive part of the building.
In 2002, the Government decided to lease the premise to The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts to house its School of Film and Television. Then the Bethanie has served as the second campus of the Academy since 2006 until now.

The Chapel has been used since 2006 for regular Sunday services by the Emmanuel Church - Pokfulam. Furthermore, the chapel is also available to the public for weddings, other religious services and ceremonies.
Visitors can visit the Bethanis Museum or join their guided tour. It is recommended to check the abailable dates and purchase the tickets in advance. Please click the following link:

139, Pok Fu Lam Road, Pok Fu Lam