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Unveiling the Mystery behind Chiu Chow Mooncakes

Mid-autumn Festival is coming and is all about mooncakes and lanterns. That’s why it is also called Mooncake Festival. There are various shapes and flavours of mooncakes that different shops try to release new flavours and gimmick every year. This time we would like to talk about a traditional type of mooncakes which not many people would be aware of during the festival.

Chiu Chow, or Chaozhou, refers to a region and culture located in eastern Guangdong Province. Chiu Chow people, also called Teochew people, are an ethnic Chinese group with their own distinct language, customs and cuisine. For Chiu Chow Mooncakes, they feature some unique fillings such as five nuts, red bean paste, and lotus seed paste. These include yam paste, taro paste, and savory fillings like salted egg yolk with meat floss. These distinct fillings contribute to the diverse flavors and textures found in Chaozhou mooncakes.

One of the main features which distinct Chiu Chow mooncakes from normal types is their skin. They use puff pastry which has different texture. One of the most famous bakery which sells the most traditional Chiu Chow Mooncake is Kwai Yue Cake Shop in Kowloon City. They also provide different new flavours like sesame which are worth to try!


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